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damped oscillation中文是什么意思

用"damped oscillation"造句"damped oscillation"怎么读"damped oscillation" in a sentence


  • 衰减振荡
  • 衰减振动
  • 有阻尼摇荡
  • 阻尼摆动,阻尼振荡
  • 阻尼减幅振荡
  • 阻尼振动


  • With the help of a computer , this artcle makes it possible for the vibration of pats and the damped oscillation to be visualiazed and demonstrated directly by making corresponding program
  • The motion of a type of nonlinear damped oscillation is analyzed to resort the method of numerical analysis , and compared it with the motion of the linear damped oscillation
    摘要用数值分析方法分析一类非线性阻尼振动问题,与线性阻尼振动进行比较,得到非线性阻尼振动状态每次过= 0位置的时刻稍后于线性阻尼振动状态。并分析了将非线性阻尼振动当作线性阻尼振动的条件。
  • Optimal predictive control to damp oscillation for linear time - delay systems with external sinusoidal disturbances is considered in chapter 4 . a full - order state predictive observer for time - delay systems by using the control vector and the predictive output vector of the controlled plant is structured
  • We consider the traveling waves of a delay cnn system with the output function f given as a non - linear function in the latter . we show the existence of monotone traveling waves solutions and describe the global structure of traveling waves such as monotone , damped oscillation , periodic oscillation and unbounded etc as the wave speed c is classified in r
    第二部分我们考虑具时滞非线性cnn系统模型,得出方程单调行波解存在,并将波速c r分成若干个区间,得出c在各个区间时行波解曲线相应的类型包括单调、衰减振动、周期振动、无界等类型。
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